Student using a assistive technology device

Assistive Technology and 资源


辅助技术是任何帮助人们的设备、软件、设备或工具 残疾人改善、维持或增加他们的功能能力. 从本质上讲, 这些工具和软件可以帮助你更快、更容易或更独立地做你想做的事情. 虽然辅助技术传统上是为残疾人开发的, 这项技术的大部分适用性已被发现对几乎所有人都有用 all people at some point throughout their lives.

大约75%的残疾大学生有资格获得辅助 技术人员不知道辅助技术是什么,也不知道有什么工具 and programs available to support them prior to starting college. 有以下经历的学生 在开始上课之前访问这些工具和资源,感觉更有准备 their classes and the tasks required of them in a college setting. 经过充分的培训 和学生支持资源,学生来到TCC更大的使命感 and are confident to start their college journey.

Assistive Technology Available to 访问服务 Students

以下辅助技术软件程序和/或设备是可用的 贷款给在访问服务部门工作并有资格使用的学生. 一些 of these items may be checked out for personal and classroom use.


文本到语音使用语音合成技术将屏幕上的文本转换成单词 大声说话. This is beneficial to a variety of users, such as English as a Second 学习语言(ESL)的学生,有视觉障碍的人,有学习障碍的人, 对于那些时间有限的人来说,他们可能想在听论文的同时做多件事, articles, books, or web pages being read aloud.


NaturalReader is a text-to-speech software with natural sounding voices. 这个易于使用的 软件可以转换任何书面文本,如Microsoft Word,网页,PDF文件, 和电子书变成口语. NaturalReader can also convert any written text into 音频文件,如MP3或WAV. NaturalReader has many other functions, such as optical 字符识别(OCR). 的 OCR function can convert printed characters into digital text and it is up to 99% accurate. This allows you to listen to your printed files or edit in a word-processing program.


CAR是一个免费的,开源的,文本到语音的应用程序,专为 students with print-related disabilities. CAR reads Word documents and pasted text using the voice installed on your computer. CAR有一个直观的界面.

Microsoft Edge浏览器

Read Aloud使用文本到语音(TTS)技术将网页文本转换为音频. 支持40多种语言. It works on a variety of websites, including news sites, blogs, 同人小说、出版物、教科书、学校和班级网站以及在线课程 材料.

Read Aloud: A Text to Speech Voice Reader

Speech-to-Text (STT) and Speech Recognition

语音转文本功能允许用户对外部麦克风或内置麦克风讲话 their devices and have their spoken words converted to text on screen. STT使用语音 识别技术. Speech recognition also allows users to navigate some programs through speech the same way they would by hand.


  • 谷歌文档和谷歌幻灯片 - Instructions on how to type and edit using STT in both applications. 适用于PC和 Mac.
  • “嘿谷歌” - How to do a 谷歌 voice search on your Android or iOS device
  • 语音访问 - Allows Android users to control their devices by voice
  • 现场抄写 - Android app that provides live captions of a nearby speaker
  • 语音打字小抄 - A list of terms to use while dictating and editing text with 谷歌 STT



水獭人工智能把你的语音对话变成智能笔记,你可以很容易地搜索 和分享. 你可以用它在会议和面试中做笔记,捕捉你的 当你开车时的想法和想法,并转录你现有的 录音和播客. 你甚至可以拍照(e).g. 白板,或者演讲者 (活动中的演示幻灯片),它们将被插入 与你的成绩单保持一致. 可能性是无限的.

入门指南  |  介绍水獭语音会议笔记


有了lean,你再也不用担心错过重要信息了. 记录 完整的课程,按照自己的节奏听,并用不同的音符类型做注解 to create a complete learning resource - tailored to you. 你甚至可以抄写 将音频转换为文本,添加幻灯片以及设置自己的任务和添加图像.

收集3分钟视频  |  请求和使用转录  |  clean是否可访问??  
收集技能门户  |  音频导入


屏幕阅读器是一种应用程序,它使盲人和视力低下的人能够 使用电脑和移动设备. Screen readers provide voice (text-to-speech) and braille output for events displayed on the computer screen. 有了屏幕阅读器, 盲人可以使用许多流行的和专业的应用程序 市场包括但不限于Microsoft Office、浏览器、邮件客户端、云 存储和共享文档.


JAWS provides screen reading functionality to its users. 它还提供盲文 output for most computer applications.

ZoomText是为低视力用户提供的放大和阅读功能. It can enlarge a computer screen as well as read any documentation needed.

Fusion is a program that combines the features from JAWS and ZoomText. 它可以放大 your screen as well as read any text from documents as needed.

如果你是一个活跃的TCC学生电子邮件的学生,你有权收到 每年免费的家庭JAWS, ZoomText或Fusion许可证,用于您的个人设备.

Register for JAWS, ZoomText, Fusion


NVDA is a computer screen-reader program for 窗户, developed by NV通运有限公司. 它是一个免费的开源程序. NVDA is available in two versions: an app which 安装在电脑上,以及可以保存在USB驱动器上的移动版本 并可在任何窗户电脑上使用. Like other screen readers, NVDA is delivered with 多语种语音,但由于语音质量有限,第三方语音 可能需要.

NVDA用户指南  |  Learn NVDA from American Foundation for the Blind


目前注册的访问服务学生有资格检查设备 有批准的住宿条件. 设备 is checked out quarterly or available to use 在现场. Below are just a few pieces of equipment borrow.


CloverBook职业 是一个便携,可折叠,多功能的放大镜,触摸屏,OCR,和距离 相机.

体验一下12的便利.5" Full HD touchscreen video magnifier that adapts 毫不费力地满足您的需求. 的 CloverBook职业 offers a trio of viewing modes, including 近、自我和远距离视图,以及先进的文本转语音功能. 所有这些都包裹在一个令人难以置信的紧凑和可折叠的设计中,重量更轻 than 5lbs for ultimate portability and convenience.

black device with screen and buttons below screen


语音敏锐度22 is a large 22-inch touchscreen desktop magnifier with speech. 大声朗读文件 使用多种语言. View your reading 材料 clearly and even examine the 照片的细节.

screen with bed below that magnifies whatever is on the bed


三叶草6高清 是一款手持式视频放大镜,它提供了紧凑尺寸, easy-to-use features and superior image quality. 有两个1300万像素的摄像头 高清屏幕. 的 Clover 6 HD produces a crystal-clear image at any magnification 水平在任何观看模式.


数字录音- mp3

艾沃斯数字录音机是一种记录您的讲座并播放的设备 晚些时候. 数字录音机有16级调节播放速度,播放更快,和 jump to the point you exactly want to playback. You can also play slowly to let you 把每一个字都听清楚.

small gray device with LCD screen and buttons


领口上的罗杰助听器接收器项链是一个无线接收器,配对 with any hearing device with T-coil microphone. To be used in the classroom setting 帮助您在嘈杂的环境或距离较远的地方更好地理解讲话 你的教授.

银质装置分为两部分. one part has a string used to hang around the neck.

Echo Livescribe智能笔

Echo Livescribe智能笔可以让你录下你的讲座,以便稍后播放. It also can transcribe your handwritten notes. You can record and replay your audio files directly from the pen or your smart device.

large black digital pen with charging cable and notebook sitting on desk


J-Tech数字鼠标是一款垂直的符合人体工程学的鼠标,带有一个可移动的手掌托. 人体工程学设计利用自然的“大拇指朝上”握手的位置 less pressure on the hand and wrist.

black computer mouse with buttons sitting on desk


Ergo手臂休息是一个关节符合人体工程学的支持肘部,前臂和手腕 而计算.

black pad attached to silver arm sitting on desk


电子听诊器允许有听力损失或音频处理的学生使用 disorders to reduce noise and amplify sounds.

stethoscope with buttons resting on desk


C-Pen阅读器是一种小巧的笔状设备,可以扫描并读取打印文本 大声. It features high quality naturally speaking English, American, Australian, 英国,爱尔兰,苏格兰和印度口音,以及西班牙语(常规或拉丁) 口音)和法国口音. It contains a range of high-quality electronic dictionaries, built-in microphone, and many other functions to support readers.

一个银色的笔状设备放在桌子上,配有耳机和充电线. Device holder is next to the device.


Video Tutorials for ReadSpeaker, Otter A.I. 和更多的




欲了解更多信息,请联系Laquida Williams,辅助技术协调员 at 253-460-3995 or email: